"An MVT, on the other hand, does not attempt to look like the eventual product. It’s rather a specific test of an assumption that must be true for the business to succeed."
CONTINUE READINGWe use n8n for a lot of things, so lets show you how to get started using it yourself.
CONTINUE READING"every business wants to invest in it but only a few know what it actually entails or how to do it well."
CONTINUE READINGYou’ve probably heard this before: “What gets you to your first $50 million is not what’s going to get you to $100 million.”
CONTINUE READINGEven the best products with the most passionate users will have these “success gaps” – a disparity between your product and the user’s desired outcome.
CONTINUE READINGA name can help people create a mental model for your product, which helps them to remember and associate your product with a particular job.
CONTINUE READINGToday we’re releasing outgoing webhooks – a long awaited feature that will notify your websites and apps whenever data changes occur.
CONTINUE READINGMost web apps set up a healthcheck https://github.com/freekrai/healthcheck, it’s usually an endpoint that tells you that your databases are up, and websites are up. I’ve even got a repo https://github.com/freekrai/healthcheck ready to go that I install on servers and enable quickly, based on another middleware healthcheck but with a few changes to make it easier to use, and with endpoints already in place for mongodb, redis and elasticsearch if needed. We use healthchecks heavily here at F
CONTINUE READINGUse Github and Uptime Robot to make a status page for your website.
CONTINUE READINGLast November, I went to a conference with several co-workers, and we wanted to keep everyone organized so we could keep track of what our plans were.
CONTINUE READINGQueues are handy for processing items in the background, you just send an item to the queue and have a worker in the background to do something with it and remove it from the queue. You can even have multiple workers running.
CONTINUE READINGLet’s Encrypt https://letsencrypt.org/ is a Certificate Authority (CA) that provides an easy way to obtain and install free TLS/SSL certificates, thereby enabling encrypted HTTPS on web servers. It simplifies the process by providing a software client, certbot, that attempts to automate most (if not all) of the required steps. We use Let’s Encrypt as we can automate the process of obtaining and renewing SSL certs quickly. This tutorial will assume a few things: 1. You must own or control t
CONTINUE READINGRemember our Flyalytics app? You learned to build a real-time dashboard to track events on your website as they happened. This post will show you how to implement the same type of dashboard, but for call tracking.
CONTINUE READINGI wanted to build a simple suggestion box-type app, first page you enter your suggestions, then next page you see suggestions. You can find the completed code here https://github.com/flybaseio/suggestionbox. In this sample, we have two HTML files, and one javascript file. We’re using Yeti.css http://yeticss.com for the CSS rather than bootstrap, you should take a look at that framework as it’s nice. First, let’s create our index.html file, which is where people will enter suggestions: <
CONTINUE READINGPrioritization is a perennial challenge when building a product roadmap. How do you decide what to work on first?